David presented Anne with a return to Wolfe Manor for her birthday. This wasn't a private tour like our first, as it was presented by TAPS, Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International. The day was spent listening to lectures by Britt Griffith and Andy Coppock of TAPS, Mark and Debbie Constantino, and a panel discussion with Amy Bruni, Rob Demarest and Barry Fitzgerald of GH and GHI.

Besides a peek at the beta "Geophone", Mark and Debbie's EVP's were worth every penny of the trip. Debbie had asked a spirit in her home to stand in the doorway for a photo, which would reveal a nice, clear, round orb, and not terribly bright. The EVP recording was breathtaking, and clear. Debbie stated her husband thought the orb was dust, to which the voice responded a tad sarcastically, without a doubt, "Now how could that be dust?" Her picture, with her permission, is below. They presented a very large assortment of jaw dropping, clear EVP's, both amusing and disconcerting. Spirits certainly seem to like swearing!

A long break for shopping in Fresno, dinner at Anne's favorite Red Lobster, and back to Wolfe Manor at 9 pm.

About 40 people were broken up into three groups, we headed for the basement with Mark and Debbie. Mark's EVP recordings contained a multitude of responses, including a clear woman's voice stating, "Payback" when asked why they stay. The last EVP was something to the effect of, "I will break your back." Not a pleasant thought to end the session.

The second floor was next, with Rob Demarest. We declined to climb the ladder to the attic again, and concentrated on Mary's room. A recent TAPS televised visit to the manor included a mysterious 911 call from the manor to the Clovis police, and further investigations concerning the telephone wiring in the house. We were amazed to watch them inspect the wiring, in Mary's room, on the wall, directly behind where Jay had been standing when she received her shock on our first visit. Unfortunately, both Mary and Charlie remained silent this trip. Rob quietly offered us several delightful stories in his raspy, whispering and worn out voice before we decided to head home across a fog filled valley, tired from a full day. We missed the first floor with Barry, but were simply too tired to continue.

The ground was not as dry as our summer visit, yet a precious few orbs were present outside the house, one orb in the red room. The presence of fifty plus people and cars driving through the lot would have produced many dust orbs? The second black room upstairs produced one high orb when only Anne and David were present and quite still. We are reluctant to take multitudes of pictures in the dark with so many people present, and far prefer a small or independent investigation, although this night was truly considered priceless.

Debbie Constantino's picture in her kitchen:


Wolfe Manor Trip One

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