It was a fast, shotgun wedding, done very quickly with little warning to friends and family. Anne's daughter, Jena, would be coming in from Germany Dec 10th, while her son, John, would be leaving for the Navy Dec 15th. A family funeral was the 13th, so, Friday, Dec 12th, we got married our way, in front of the fireplace in jeans.

David's mother left us in October after a lingering illness. During those days, I would keep reminding Betty that she had to get well, she had to come to our wedding, planned for May the following year. She would smile and say, "May?" As she declined in health, I would state she best make the wedding anyway. She would insist she could not if she was dead, to which I replied my father would be there, and she could be, too. Betty's eyes puzzled when she said, "But, he's dead." I would smile and say, "Yup."

We think she showed up.

All the 'after wedding' pictures were taken by many cameras, several people standing next to each other, snapping away. Only two out of six cameras caught the orbs.


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